#Hummus is a healthy dip that is popular among #Lebanese, #Mediterranean and #Middle East. This #dip has a smooth texture which goes well with #pita bread or raw #veggies. This blog take you through the finger licking recipe which you can try at home while you are experiencing the lock down.

Hummus is made from #chickpeas and sesame or #olive oil, so it's high in protein and an excellent source of healthy fat and fiber. #Carrots are high in vitamin A and potassium, so the pairing makes a balanced and satisfying #snack. Hummus is also good with baked pita chips or pieces of pita bread. It can help fight hunger cravings and balance blood sugar levels. This could help curb excessive snacking. #Kotsopoulos also says that the iron content in hummus helps boost your energy, which could make you more motivated to hit the gym.
Finger licking #Recipe goes below:
Cooking time: 20 minutes
White Chickpea - 250 grams
Garlic - 3 cloves
Pickled Olives - 8 -9
1/2 tbsp salt
2 tbsp lemon juice
Olive or sesame oil as needed
Chilli flakes (based on your taste buds)
Soak Chickpea in the water for 4 -5 hours.
Put #chickpea into the pressure cooker and allow up to 2 whistles.
Leave it for 30 minutes to cool down.
Remove the skin of chickpea and mash it with your fingers and keep it aside
Add olive oil into the pan
Add #garlic cloves into the pan and cook it for 5 minutes
Cut pickled olives into halves.
Add chickpea, salt, garlic cloves, lemon juice and 4-5 olives into the food processor or mixie jar
Grind it into the smooth paste
Add #olive oil and chilli flakes onto the top
Add remaining olives onto the top of the tip.
You can serve this dish with pita bread, raw vegetables such as carrots, broccoli etc. This tastes amazing..
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